Press release : Saut Hermes Having already won in 2012, the German team coached by the legendary champion Ludger Beerbaum claimed yet another victory in the final class of the Talents Hermès. In this team event over two legs, the German riders were the only ones to ride 4 clear rounds. Show-jumping's up-and-coming young riders put on a fantastic show for the audience this Sunday morning. Show-jumping's up-and-coming young riders put on a fantastic show for the audience this Sunday morning. As the spring sun filled the glass Nave of the Grand Palais, the 20 riders participating in this class went head to head in an event reminiscent of a Nations Cup. After the first leg, only 2 teams had a clean score: the Swedish team of Henrik Von Eckermann (Petronella Andersson/Quenndal de Lojou*HDC & Jonna Ekberg/Equita van't Zogvliet) and the protégés of Ludger Beerbaum (Vanessa Borgmann/Come to Win 51 & Angelique Rüsen/Chikkimikki). In the 2nd leg, it was vital to record a quick time to have a chance of winning, and the battle between the Swedish and German In the 2nd leg, it was vital to record a quick time to have a chance of winning, and the battle between the Swedish and German teams finally swayed in favour of Beerbaum's riders: Vanessa Borgmann and Angelique Rüsen rode clear rounds, whereas the Swedish riders Petronella Andersson and Jonna Ekberg had 4 and 8 points respectively. With Sweden now off the podium, the teams with 4 points at the end of the first leg had everything to ride for. The Norwegian team coached by the Spanish rider Pilar Lucrecia Cordon had the fastest time around the course and claimed the 2nd step on the podium, ahead of the Dutch riders coached by Maikel van der Vleuten (3rd). coached by Maikel van der Vleuten (3rd). The French team led by Simon Delestre finished at the foot of the podium thanks to 2 perfect rounds by Margaux Rocuet/Lewin 5, and a clear round by Edward Lévy/Starlette de la Roque (4 points in the first leg). Finally, the Irish team, who had the best time in the class, finished 5th after a fault by Michael Duffy/Cortina 200. Full Results Photo :