Next week the final for the FEI Longines Nations Cup Jumping will take place in Barcelona. Chef d'equipe Rob Ehrens has just announced his Dutch team that he will be taking with him. The theory was that he was taking his team from the Eu CH in Gothenburg, but with Ruben Romp selling his horse Audi's Teavanta II C Z he had to adjusts his plans a bit. Fifth rider in Gothenburg, 'Aniek Poels', will now takeover the place from Romp. As reserve rider the Dutch take Michel Hendrix with them. The team will be as following: Marc Houtzager - Sterrehof´s Calimero Aniek Poels - Athene Harrie Smolders - Don VHP Z of Capital Colnardo, Jur Vrieling - VDL Glasgow Vh Merelsnest Michel Hendrix – Baileys (fifth rider) "With a strong competitor field our riders will have to present a strong front. You can't afford any mistakes of bad luck, for any faults will cost you dearly. But all combinations are in great shape and a lot is possible", tells Ehrens.