The first day at the two-star international competition in St. Lo started with an overload of competitors in the 1.40m class. Therefor the class was split in two subclasses.  Axelle Lagoubie jumped to victory in the first round. Aboard Norway de la Lande (by Narcos II) she crossed the finish in 57.15 seconds, two seconds faster as Timothy Page. Page and the 11-year-old Steady the Helm were followed by Skye Higgin and Quarina de Blondel (by Quidam de Revel). The top five was completed by Nadja Peter Steiner (Cayena) and Jemma Kirk (Quelisto) in a fourth and fifth place.     Also the second subclass coloured French as Thomas Rousseau and Mister Davier topped the class. The combination was as well two seconds faster as the runner-up. A clear finish in 58.22 seconds brought the first place from Romain Boudroncle (Rubelia). The third place was for Nadja Peter Steiner (Capuera II).