About 4hours drive away Spruce Meadows is celebrating it's 40th anniversary, in Edmonton it was tome for the Edmonton Classic Horse Show last weekend. Nearby the river banks the 1.30m ATCO Cup. The unbeatable pair of the Rocky Mountain series some weeks ago, speeded again to victory. Katie Laurie and Frangipanne de Toxandria left the other 26 horse-rider combinations behind them. Jennifer Whyte and Peninsula Apollo ended second. They were followed by Nicole Gergely aboard her own Vianda. The top five was completed by Carly Kist (Emiel D'Or VD Durmstede) and Femke Courchaine, cominf from Red Deer, with TomTom. In the 1.30m Speed Derby it was Lorrie Jamieson who went home with the prizes. She claimed the first and second spot with KVF Zeno and Anthony. Jillian Halina and Coupe Champagne speeded to the third spot in this speed class. The 1.20m height was ridden over 3 classes. Samantha Herbers (Molly, owned by Herb Herbers) claimed victory in the open jumpers. Also in the 1.15m-class Samantha went home with the win. Jeff Rootman (Baron) made it to the second spot. The pair also rode to third place in the 1.20m RBC Dominion Securities Open Jumper. Tannis Skinner- Guillen with Errigal was the winning pair. While Katelyn Cooper and her own Casino followed in second place. The top five was of this 16 entries -class, was completed by Mariola Slawinksi (Lavos Z) and Kiki Landsbergen (Zarah). When the jumps were set at a height of 1.15m it was Katelyn Golka and Silhouette who jumped in the spotlights. With a win and second place in the 1.15m Open Jumper classes.