Jan Tops, Co-Founder Global Champions League: “Valkenswaard United are a great combination, with youth and experience of many years. Bertram has a lot of flexibility, if you need him to be fast, he’ll be fast. They have been concrete this year, and make a great pairing.”   John Whitaker, Valkenswaard United: “We’ll just try keep the pressure on and keep going clear [in Doha], so Bertram can keep going fast in the second round. We think about ourselves [rather than our rivals], we’re just really focused and try to jump clear rounds. I’m terrible watching - it doesn’t worry me one little bit riding, but when I’m watching Bertram I’m a nervous wreck!”   Bertram Allen, Valkenswaard United: “It’s an honour to ride with John. We’ve always had good fun and good results, so it’s been great."   Jack Hardin Towell, Rome Gladiators: “I’m happy Laura went second this time - the prior two times I’ve ridden with her she’s carried me on her back the whole way round! After I went I said “Laura, however you do I’m happy with the result.” So we had our plan - Laura went nice for a clean in case Bertram had one down, but he didn’t!"   Laura Renwick, Rome Gladiators: “Bertram told me how many times they’d won together, and like both pairs up hear, they’ve got such proven results. With the Rome Gladiators we’ve had different partnerships throughout the season and they’ve all worked pretty well! All of us are happy with where we are at the moment and we’re really happy with how we went today. So here comes Doha!"   Leopold van Asten, Monaco Aces: “So far it has gone well [as a combination with Maikel]. Today I had a rail, which is where we lost it, so I’m glad Maikel was able to keep it up for our third place."   Maikel van der Vleuten, Monaco Aces: “I thought I needed to be safe in case I had a fence down, so needed to be fast to stay ahead of Antwerp Diamonds. My horse was great, he had rhythm and jumped better in the second round and I think we have to be very happy with third place today.”