Becoming the new FEI World Champion is extraordinary. The 29-year-old Simone Blum couldn't keep her tears hidden. “This was a perfect day. Alice jumped great for the whole week, she had no fault in five rounds of competition, she was unbelievable! And she’s so careful….she has the biggest heart and I think this week she knew that she could win the hearts of all of the sport….she really wanted this win today!” Blum said. Former Olympic Champion, Steve Guerdat followed as third placed rider. “My biggest pride today is for my horse. We had a few championships where I think she jumped better than any other horse but we kept just having one down and I always went home a bit disappointed because I really wanted to give her the medal that she really deserves. And I thought it was going to go the same again this year - she was jumping amazing since the beginning of the week, she touched two fences all I tried to get it together today and I’m so proud of her and so happy that today the world can see how special she really is!” he said.