The Belgians won the Nations Cup of Poland in a spectacular way. Sopot had planned the 1,60m-high Longines Nations Cup today, and team Belgium turned out to be in the lead from the first round on. With only one penalty in the first round, the team took the first place. In the second round they added 12 penalties, which brought them a total of 13. We saw Olivier Philippaerts with H&M Ikker (Ogano Sitte) (0-8), Pieter Devos with Claire Z (Clearway), who had the eliminated result of 4 penalties in the first round and went clear in the second, Jérôme Guery with Garfield de Tiji des Templiers (Quasimodo Z) and Niels Bruynseels with Cas de Liberté (Cracky C) who got 1 penalty in the first round and didn't start in the second. The French team finished second with a total of 16 penalties. The only one to go clear was Olivier Robert with Eros (Querlybet Hero). The eliminated result came from Mathieu Bilot in both rounds. He wasn't very lucky today with Shiva d'Amoury (For Pleasure) and got 12 penalties in round 1 en nine penalties in the second. The third place went to team United States with 21 penalties. Devin Ryan and Eddie Blue (Mr Blue) showed the best rounds with 0 and 4 penalties. The fourth place was shared by Sweden and Poland with 24 penalties. Click here for the complete result.