Rolex, also known for the Rolex Grand Slam, proudly introduces the Rolex Series, a new range of events setting a new standard in the equestrian world. The prestigious competitions, including...
Today the action kicked-off in Rome with a CSIO5* 1.45m Winning Round. In it, France's Emeric George jumped to victory aboard his 8-year-old Gloria Mercoeur (Cornet Obolensky).
H&M Christian K (Namelus R), An amazing horse with a big personality and an even bigger heart. A fantastic era has come to an end as it’s time for H&M...
In the world of equestrian sports, horses are the athletes and the main characters. However, before they shine at competitions like the CHIO, many parties are involved behind the scenes....
The eleven young show jumping horses from the Fences Web auction went under the hammer this past weekend during the CSI Bourg-en-Bresse. The top seller was the BWP bred Real...
The equestrian world has been shocked by the loss of one of its most respected grooms. Earlier this week, Jenny Ducoffre passed away at the age of 44. The German...
The Olympic 'fever' is rising. Three years after the bronze in Tokyo, one of the candidate riders for Paris is Pieter Devos. Making the Belgian team is the first hurdle,...
After the Longines Global Champions Tour in Madrid, the new ranking has been announced. Eduardo Alvarez Aznar remains at the top of the standings. He is still followed by Max...
Former Belgian champion Koen Vereecke concluded his successful competition in Wiesbaden with the icing on the cake. In the 1.60m CSI4* Grand Prix, he jumped to the ultimate Grand Prix...
The 1.55m Grand Prix in Bourg-en-Bresse delivered a Jump-Off with 13 combinations. The fastest performance was set by Germany's Kendra Claricia Brinkop aboard her 11-year-old Do It Easy (Vigo Cece).