The Longinges Global Champions Tour heads to Riesenbeck International, Germany for yet another thrilling leg of its series. As the hometown of many known German riders, this eleventh stage of...
Both the Australian and Japanese teams qualified for the 2024 Paris Olympics. The Longines Tops International Arena set the stage for this event. The Australian team won before Japan.
World No. 8 Kent Farrington (USA) is the first to admit he’s been in a “building phase” with his string over the past couple years. He’s also made it clear,...
Top-level and very diverse representation from all over the old continent at the FEI Jumping European Championships for Young Riders, Juniors and Children held in Gorla Minore (ITA), where the...
Martin Fuchs keeps on impressing with his Conner Jei (by Connor). Earlier this week, the Swiss rider and the twelve year old gelding secured the win for the Swiss team in the...
Conor O’Regan had big hopes for Big Boy Z (Big Star Jr K Z) when he purchased the horse off a video in 2020. Three years later, the gelding won...
Bertram Allen emerged victorious in the lightning-fast Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix of A Coruña presented by Casas Novas. Riding the exceptional Pacino Amiro, Allen won his first LGCT...
No less then 17 combinations qualified for the Jump-Off in the 1.55m CSI4* Grand Prix at the Chantilly Classic event. After a clear Jump-Off in 41,26 seconds, USA's Laura Kraut...
Only two combinations qualified for the Jump-Off in the tough 1.50m Falsterbo Derby. In the end Steve Guerdat jumped to victory and continues his winning streak after claiming the Nations...
A total of 65 combinaties took the start in the 1.50m Grand Prix qualifier in Falsterbo. In the end it was Belgium's Nicola Philippaerts who set the best result aboard...