In the dynamic world of equestrian sports, transitions between stables can mark significant milestones in a rider's career. Frederike Staack, hailing from Germany, recently made waves by joining the esteemed...
Jan Greve is known as a successful stallion owner, breeder, and veterinarian. "I don't agree that only good show jumping mares can produce good show jumping horses. From my experience,...
On Sunday Olympic Champion, Ben Maher settled for the runner-up position in the World Cup of Madrid. Maher, who won the Western European League qualifier in Verona, Italy two weeks...
The team of Francois Mathy and rider, Thiago Mattos (BRA) have announced the sportive retirement of Sukli do Santo Antonio (ex. Sulki de Quettehou) . The stallion is to enjoy his sportive retirement...
On an afternoon filled with thrills and surprises, German star Marcus Ehning galloped to victory with his relatively new ride Coolio 42 at the sixth leg of the Longines FEI...
The home crowd was in joy after an exciting Jump-Off in Rouen. In the 1.55m CSI4* Grand Prix, France's Pénélope Leprevost, earlier this week jumped to victory in the main...
A thrilling second round of the CSI5*-W 1.50m class at Madrid Horse Week was won by none other than Nicola Philippaerts! After an impressive first round on Derby de Riverland...
The climax of the CSI3* Riyadh competition was set to be ridden at Saturday night. The CSI3* 1.50m class counted for the Longines Ranking. David Will kept the local riders...
The CSI4* 1.45m Prix du Smedar at Rouen put many riders and horses in distress as only seventeen combinations out of the 65 starters managed to stay clear. The top...