Belgian rider Jorich Spits has announced the departure of Pomme Castanoo. The 9-year-old son of Apple Juice has been competing since early 2022 under the guidance of Thibeau Spits's cousin...
The first CSI5* classes at the Royal Windsor Horse Show were held on Friday, with the CSI5* 1.55m The Defender Stakes being the main class of the evening. After a...
Day one of the Longines Global Champions Tour of Shanghai came to a close with Julien Anquetin and 9 year old Farah Tame taking the top spot in the €56,800...
On hometurf in Montefalco, the Italian showjumping riders dominated the 1.45m CSI4* main class. In the end Emiliano Liberati jumped to victory in front of his home crowd.
Belgium's living legends: Dirk Demeersman, Ludo Philippaerts, Stanny van Paesschen and Jean-Paul Musette talk about the 'past'. They chat, thinking of funny stories they experienced and how the sport has...
The biggest 'on the road' equestrian store is looking for you! Lieven Hendrickx Horse Supplements is looking for a new teammember to get on the road !
Thanks to a full overview of the upcoming equestrian auctions this month!
The second and final day of the FEI Sports Forum 2024 kicked off with a three-hour session on FEI Championships. FEI Deputy Legal Director Áine Power opened the session with...
The 13th FEI Sports Forum at the IMD Business School in Lausanne (SUI) opened today, with more than 230 delegates in attendance and more joining online.